Specification Development
Specification development is a large part of Dennis Southam & Associates trusted history. The degree of success of any engineering project is often proportional to the quality and comprehensiveness of the client specification to which it is delivered. This is especially true in the delivery of FRP composite projects. Dennis Southam & Associates have extensive experience preparing a specification that can help eliminate common issues that arise when a specification is insufficient.
DSA can help review or prepare various FRP specifications, ranging from small scale project-specific documents to broader site-wide FRP management documents. A well prepared FRP specification requires an intimate knowledge of the material. DSA can ensure that your specification is technical enough to provide the right product, flexible enough to result in competitive tendering, and tight enough to prevent loophole abuse.
Our specification development services construct the appropriate stipulations for any project. Focusing on factors such as laminate construction, thickness, materials, joints, hardness and flow, our engineering teams’ attention to detail provides quality assurance for the end-users. All work is backed by our ISO14692 :2017 compliance.
DSA / Specification Development